









名前もミドルネームのUMI これはお母さんが日本人で海からつけたのだとか🏝️






新しいEP『talking to the wind』についてお伺いします。まず、タイトルの意味は?








音楽もとてもいいしリラックスできてこれ無料で聴けるのすごい 誘導瞑想的でもあり、けっこうかなり本格的なヒーリングじゃないかなと



UMIさんの集団メディテーションの音声文字起こしを和訳しますね。長い内容なので、ポイントごとに整理しながら翻訳 していきます。

🌿 UMIのブレスワークメディテーション 和訳(要約)🌿

🔹 1. ブレスワークの紹介とUMIの体験







🔹 2. ブレスワークの実践方法と説明


👉 呼吸の方法:3ステップの呼吸
1. 口から吸う(お腹へ)
2. さらに吸う(胸へ)
3. ゆっくり息を吐く


• めまい
→ これは血中のカルシウムが一時的に減るためで、心配いりません。

✨ 感情の反応について
呼吸を続けることで 過去の感情が湧き上がることがある
「泣きたい」「叫びたい」「体を動かしたい」 という衝動が起こる場合もある
すべて自然な反応なので、そのまま受け入れて解放する ことが大切。

🔹 3. 実践(ブレスワーク開始)

• 目を閉じて、体の力を抜く
• 足、脚、背中、肩、腕、首、顔…全身をリラックス


👉 呼吸のリズムに合わせて…
• 息を吸う(お腹 → 胸)
• 息を吐く
• 繰り返し続けながら、音楽と一体になる感覚を味わう

🔹 4. クライマックス(ブレスワークのピーク)



👉 ここで 「叫ぶ」解放のセッション
「皆で一緒に、3…2…1… 叫びましょう!🔥🔥🔥」
「まだ出し切れていない人は、もう一度大きく息を吸って… 叫ぶ!!!」

→ ここで、感情やエネルギーが一気に解放される

🔹 5. クールダウン(静寂の時間 & サウンドバス)


✨ では、静寂の時間に入ります。
• 目を閉じて、自分の内側に意識を向ける
• 自分の内なる声に問いかける

✨ サウンドバス(音の癒し)
• ゆったりとした音楽が流れ、リラックスした状態で心を整える時間へ

🔹 6. 締めのアファメーションと祈り



💖 「あなたは、今この瞬間、愛されています。」
💖 「あなたは守られています。」
💖 「あなたは導かれています。」

✨ 最後のオーム(OM)を全員で唱える ✨
→ 振動を感じながら、エネルギーを整えていく

🔹 7. ゆっくりと目を開け、現実へ戻る




🌟 まとめ

💖 エネルギーの解放
💖 感情の浄化
💖 自己との対話
💖 宇宙との調和

を目的とした、「本質的なヒーリングワーク」 だったね!✨











ソウル系の雰囲気 ネオソウル







this tour so far has been so expansive

so deeply healing and I'm very excited

to be sharing with you all a practice

that has been a big part of my healing

Journey breath work how many of you have

done breath work before

you and raise your hand if it's your

first time doing breath away

yes let's give a round of applause for

our first timers

so breadth work has been so

transformative for me there are many

Pathways to peace but breath work has

resonated with me and since you all

resonate with my music I definitely felt

that this breath work would be of

resonance with you and so I felt very

called to share I remember a couple

years ago I was going through a really

dark period in my life I was

experiencing a lot of dense emotions

moving through depression and anxiety

and I felt like nothing was really

working for me and a friend of mine was

like have you tried breath work before I

was like

okay so I tried it I found this video I

did a 20 minute breath work series and

when I opened my eyes at the end I just

felt like this Cloud was lifted from my

mind and I was able to return back into

a truer lighter version of myself and

ever since I had that experience I was

like I must share this with the people

breath work is a technology of the human

body it's a way for us to really tap

into our true potential and live as our

highest selves and so the journey we're

about to go on is going to be one of

Freedom it's going to be one of

releasing and I am very excited to

experience it in this beautiful Dome

this is so wonderful

yes so before I begin I want to share

with you all a bit more of the science

and the safety behind breathworks so

Ally has been a big big mentor of mine

in breath work so I want to bring her on

again to just share a little bit more

about what we'll be experiencing yeah so

tonight we're gonna do an active style

of breath work which means it's going to

be amplifying what's already going on in

here so the style of breath is a

three-part breath there's two inhales

and one exhale we're gonna demo what

that looks like and you can practice

while we do it so the first breath is in

through the mouth and it's going to

enter into the belly

second breath is into your chest

and then you let it go

nice and slow belly

into the chest

and then you let it go without Force one

more time belly

chest and Let It Go

so what we're doing is we're stimulating

the nervous system so I like to think

about it as a roller coaster ride and

for the first part of the breath hook

we're going up so you're going to feel

that intensity as it rises up we're

going to find a peak moment and then

we're going to come down which is going

to balance and soothe the nervous system

and there's a few things that can happen

when we're breathing quickly and through

the mouth and the first probably what

you notice is the physical

so when we're in the physical

Umi what happens

so while you're doing breath work

there's some things you might experience

you might experience some


completely normal you might feel some

tingling in your body also completely

normal and you might experience this

thing we like to call claw hands which

is where your hands maybe even your face

it starts to kind of claw up and form

these different kind of postures it's

completely normal it's kind of like when

you get a little like cramp in your leg

but it doesn't hurt like a cramp it's

more so just your body tightening up

don't fight it allow it to happen I'd

love for you to explain more of like the

science behind it yeah so tetany

basically it's called tetany it's

basically 40 less calcium in your

bloodstream when we breathe like this

hence the cramp so if you ate like a

couple bananas today you might be fine

certainly also on an energetic level

deals with the heart so if you feel

emotion rising up and you're like oh I

don't want to feel that the body will

tend to tense

tetany goes away so I want you to first

to hear that it never lasts by the time

you leave no one leaves with claw hands

but if you are experiencing the

intensity and you you make it's intense

you can always raise the claw

and myself or Olivia or Lee he will come

to you and give you some support

a few other things physically you could

feel light-headed you could feel cold

you could feel hot all of that

experience is is there there's a little

bit of intensity on the mental side when

we first start breathing you'll think oh

my mind is going crazy and I want to

think about tomorrow or why I said that

thing two weeks ago and you know the

mind gets louder until it gets quieter

and a third piece of this is on an

emotional level it's amplifying so if

something is coming up for you tonight

let it come out

I'd like to say we are the guides but

you are the being within your spirit so

if you feel like you need to sleep

during the breath work if you feel like

you need to cry you need to scream you

need to stretch you are welcome to do

whatever feels right for your body if

you need to slow down you can slow down

we'll be breathing through our mouths

but if you ever feel like oh I need to

take a break I need to pause it down you

can always breathe through your nose

we'll be guiding you through these

options but just know you can choose

what feels right for your body I'm just

guiding you through the breath fix

Series yeah and just let us know if you

need anything truly we're truly here for

you want to cultivate a really safe and

brave space when we've completed the

breath work and the sound we want to

really encourage you to stay in the room

and connect and you can feel quite Buzzy

so we want you to drink water go home

and have some snacks take some time

before you get in a motor vehicle

um but yeah truly here to support you in

every way

so are we ready to begin the journey

yeah and just remember if at any point

you need any assistance any help any

support you raise your hand you raise

your claw and we are right there for

energetic emotional and physical support

right there with you this is a safe

space and I am excited to journey

together so without further Ado go ahead

and lay down on your mats if you want to

take a final sip of water go ahead I'm

gonna take my socks off great reminder

make sure your phones are on silent

laptops are on silent as well

and or do not disturb

I'm gonna take my socks off for this one


Miranda wherever you are I'd love to get

another copal incent going up here

if you have a blanket please feel free

to wear your blanket if you have an eye

mask and or an extra piece of cloth you

can go ahead and put use it as an eye


if you haven't already taken off your

shoes I would highly recommend you take

your shoes off for this practice as well

uh space is so cozy it's gonna be a

great practice tonight

and as we get settled in here I want

y'all to go ahead and place one hand

over your heart

one hand over your chest

we're gonna practice that two-part

breathing once more into the stomach


ow I really feel those two breaths




last practice breath stomach



beautiful now just breathe slowly in

through your stomach chest and out

and as you breathe there I want you to

Simply relax your feet

relax your legs

relax your hips

relax your back

relax your shoulders

relax your arms

relax your neck

relax your face

let your eyes melt

that your cheeks smell

relax your ears

relax the top of your head

and finally relax your brain

imagine all the muscles in your brain

just releasing and letting go

and becoming aware of this present

moment what does the ground beneath you

feel like

what does the air around you feel like

on your skin

what is the quietest sound in the room

that you can focus your attention on

do you hear it more in your right or

left ear can you balance that out

and in this relaxed and grounded place I

want you to Simply ask yourself

what am I ready to release today

what am I ready to release today

and what am I ready to welcome in place

of that

gratitude love acceptance

what am I ready to receive

and so it is

as he began I want you to either say out

loud or to yourself

I am safe

I am capable

I am safe

I am capable

As You Are

welcome to the breath work

let's continue


allow me to show you something

tonight we'll be releasing we'll be

breathing for this first song we're

gonna sink into the moment with a slow

breath it goes in two three four out two

three four in two three four out two

three four deep breath in in



ow in


out beautiful

this may be the first time today you've

had the opportunity to breathe

I want you to allow yourself to get lost

in the music into the fullness of every


into your stomach into your chest

and now letting it all go


three four out two three four

breathe in let it feel good breathe out



three four out two three four in

and as you breathe you may begin to feel

resistant thoughts you may begin to feel

your mind wander I want you to allow


to just come back to this breath

as we breathe tonight nothing matters

but the Simplicity of each and every




filling up

letting go

where we

in two three four

out amazing job in



this next one I want you to make it a

slow breath in and hold at the top

as you hold relax your shoulders

relax your back

relax your legs let your eyes melt

and breathe out

hold on empty

as you hold here relax some more


allowing the music to sink into you

breathing in in three two one big breath


and now

great job everyone for this next song

we're gonna be returning to our two-part


you can just listen and when you're

ready join in

it goes stomach

chest ah

great job stomach chest




out great jaw filling in

up I really feel your breath in two

parts in up

oh amazing in up

and out as you breathe if you hear those

thoughts arising as those thoughts of

other moments those thoughts wondering

if you can do this I want you to let

them go and surrender to your breath


allowing our breath to heal us to clear

us and connect us to this moment

oh you sound so good

listening for one another


a stomach


wow great job


more than halfway through this song you

can do this

if you start to feel tingles arise

lightheadedness arise even discomfort

arise know that it is normal

just continue to breathe through it

being curious of what's on the other



great job stomach


ah almost to the end stomach

chest wow you're doing amazing

I had a slow breath in

holding at the top

as you hold relax your shoulders

relax your back

feeling your energy


up breathing out and three


one Let It Go high and hold on empty

observing what it feels like to be here

with your empty breath

holding for just a bit longer breathing

in in three two one big breath in

let something go breathe out

whenever you're ready joining back in

stomach chest ow stomach chest ow

stomach chest ow yes in up out in up

how in up out as you breathe I want you

to feel that breath moving through you

continue to breathe even if your mind is

talking even if you feel those thoughts


know that you are the Breather of your



and if at any moment you feel you need

to breathe through your nose you need to

pause for a second know that you are

welcome to

and if you feel the need to cry if you

feel the need to let go allow it to move

through you


you may begin to feel tingling or

tightness in the body just surrender to

it allow it to come up so that it can


in up how amazing in up ow you are safe

you are capable

and up out in up oh yes




uh in up our almost to the end of the


in up out three




slow breath in

and hold at the top

relax your shoulders

relax your arms

relax your legs

sink into the mat

breathing out in three two one Let It Go

and hold on empty

just making peace with the emptiness

allowing it to feel good



breathing in again in three two one deep

breath in

let something go breathe out

amazing job and when you're ready we're

gonna breathe again it goes in up out

and up out in up out in up out this song

is so joyful it's so energetic I want

you to allow the beauty of the song to

move through

oh it's called whatever you like it

reminds me that we are free to be who we

are we are free to experience it all so

if you're feeling it allow it to move

through you




let your body change and if there's

resistance I want you to challenge

yourself to breathe through it we are

healing we are letting it all arise

you're doing amazing


through your nose breathe through your



ah great job everybody


out in up out and in a moment we're

going to scream together

we're gonna allow our scream to release

this stuck energy within us I remind you

you are safe you are seen screaming in

three two one Let It Go

I'm breathing in breathing in and scream

ah let it go let it out let it out the


one more deep breath in breathe in

and final scream

yes and if you need to cry if you need a

lap if you need a





yes you sound so good that was powerful

that was powerful we have just two more

songs left we're gonna continue to

release we're gonna continue to let go

whenever you're ready I want you to join


it goes



stomach chest


nut chest oh you sound beautiful stomach



keep breathing

we just released a lot

if you feel the need it's just pause and

cry if you need to just laugh continue

to do so we're gonna take these last two

songs to really really let it all out

ah great job yes in oh

ah we're on this journey together in


and in a moment we're gonna speed it up

just a little bit okay we're gonna speed

it up so it goes like

in up out in up I'll let it out in up

out yes up ow in oh ow great job in up

ow listening to One Another knowing that

we are breathing we are moving through

resistance together as a collective we

are healing in this space you sound so

good in up out in up out in up out in up

out allow your breath to heal you allow

your breath to move through you

move through the discomfort move through

the chatter and the mind

in up wow you're exactly where you are

meant to be you are doing exactly what

you are meant to be doing you sound


yes and up out in up out in up I'll let

it feel good

yes we're almost to the end of this song

I want you to keep breathing to the end

I believe in you

I'm right here

and up ah in up out four

three two



slow breath in

and the hold at the top

great job and as you hold I want you to

relax your shoulders

relax your body

relax your arms

relax your legs

we're gonna hold just a little bit


you can do this

and breathe out

and hold on empty can you breathe out a

little bit more

and as you hold here allow your energy

to Rise Up from the bottom of your body

to the energy between your eyebrows your

third eye allow it to rest there

and breathing in again now

let something go breathe out

yes this is our last song I want you to

give it your all I want you to explore

your breath when you're ready joining me

it goes


in up out in up out in up out in up ah

in up ah in up oh great job you sound so



in up out yes we've gotten to know our

breath already we've gotten to know our

Edge I want you to lean into curiosity

can you breathe in a little bit more can

you breathe out a little bit more



we are almost at the end of this song in

up out less than one minute left

how do you want to end this song what do

you wish to let go of giving your all in

this last minute knowing that you are

safe knowing that you are capable



and uh uh five









deep breath in

hold on the full breath

relaxing your body



making peace

with this moment

and on this exhale I want you to let out

an audible exhale breathing out in three

two one ah


yes and just hold on empty whenever

you're ready



hold on empty

I want you to hold here for as long as

you feel comfortable

listening to your body

and as you hold I want you to Simply

let yourself Ease Into The Emptiness

and if you like

breathing in with me in three two one

and slow breath out


and just keep breathing slowly like this

in and out on your own

and as you breathe I want you to Simply

observe how do you feel right now

do you feel the need to cry if you feel

the need to let anything out know that

this is a safe space to do so


and now

asking yourself what message does my

inner voice have for me

what message does my inner voice

have for me

a lot of the words the vision

the colors or Nothing at All to Simply


you are safe to release


and as you enjoy the Stillness

I'll be sharing with you a sound bath

from my heart to yours

please enjoy this peaceful moment you
















thank you


thank you


thank you for it all

thank you for it all

thank you


I am






the way


I am





and with every breath I want you to

imagine it expand expanding


expanding to surround all of you

spending to fill this room


and I want you to feel that love touch

each and every person in this room

feel your love


now I want you to imagine that love

coming you allow the love in this room

to enter into your soul

allow it to touch you

and allow it to fill you


you are







I am loved

I love

and even if it's just for a moment I

want you to allow those words to feel so

true to you I am loved

I am appreciated

I am safe


I'm safe


I love

if you need I want you to hug yourself

and say these words I am loved

yes I am


I love you each and every one of you I

love you so much

no one told you yet today

you haven't felt that for yourself yet

today let this be your moment you are



let us take

three Collective breaths together

as we close off this moment of peace

with one another when you're ready meet

me on an exhale breathing out

and when you're ready breathing in

hold at the top

feel your chest expand as you breathe


fold out the bottom

another deep breath in

a hole

feel that love pouring in through you as

you breathe out


final breath in make this your deepest

breath breathe in some warmth


both hands over your heart

you are lost breathe out into the love

that you are yes let a smile come across


I want you to just breathe slowly on

your own

closing off the sound portal with a

prayer to you


I pray you remember everywhere you go

you are loved

you are protected

and you are guided

even if the path is not clear know that

you are being guided on your path

even if it doesn't make sense to you

it's all right you know that everything

is still working out for you it always

is working out for you

I pray you continue to let go and allow

love this world the love of your spirit

to fill you

to guide you

I pray you trust in life

and you trust in love

you are loved Just the Way You Are

the Way You Are

let's close with the collective ohm

whenever you're ready breathing in with




one last one breathing in



that felt so good let's do one last one






thank you

whenever you're ready you want to just

slowly wiggle your hands although your

feet your feet take your time slowly


slowly when you're ready opening your


and returning into this room

we did some really powerful releasing

and healing tonight

how do you feel

I'm so happy to hear so many

tears laughter screens in the room this

was such a powerful night

give it up for yourselves

we have about 10 minutes for us to


reflect and

make our way back into the world as this

elevated and connected versions of

