半径500mのワンダーランド(SNSにアップの過去作品)その三 9 Charly Bird MUFFIN 2020年4月28日 10:55 This is a red pistil The cat who is thinking now The sprout that is red The face 窓越しの邂逅 Encounter me across the window Those are the handmade accessories #1 The pink rosa Those are the handmade accessories #2 青空と蝋梅 The narcissus which has name from Greek Mythology くつろぐネコ This is a yellow bud PUNKS NOT DEAD !! wannabe finished early “lockdown” The cat who looks over window This is little little flower The wild cat There is at music hour Walking in the misty park There is the breaking dawn of the world The flower which is buried in red Those flowers are alyssum and Cyclamen The any bugs which looks like a time goes by. Pink pink pink This flower is “Otome camellia” The little flowers The flower which like the sun is Margaret The sprout that shoots a red That are flowers of maple ポンポンデイジー いいなと思ったら応援しよう! フリーランスカメラマンのCharly Bird MUFFINです。 撮影のご依頼、写真(撮影、現像)講習、購入相談、写真や撮影に関すること何でもご相談ください。 チップで応援する #いま私にできること #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #キリトリセカイ #半径500mのワンダーランド 9