
August 6, 2024:Fireworks Festivals (花火大会)

The summer in Japan is busy with a lot of fireworks festivals. In the last few weeks, a number of the festivals took place in the towns around my town. One of them seemed to attract a lot of spectators. My council had also held it in the summer. This year, however, it is to be held in October. And it seems to be held on a smaller scale. I do not know why. But rumour has it that it is due to the hike in the costs necessary to open the festival.
It is a pity that it is reduced in scale. But it is held in October for sure, so I cannot complain. In other words, it might be wise to take place in October. Nowadays, a lot of the festivals have been hit by thunderstorms, and some of them have had to be cancelled. I heard that a festival in my neighbouring town had to be cancelled just 15 minutes before it was due to open. It was hit by a violent thunderstorm and cancelled in tears. The other one was also hit by a thunderstorm, but it managed to be held. Luckily, the storm was not as bad as expected. But if it were held in October, it would not be hit by thunderstorms as often as in the summer. And I can enjoy it on a cooler night than in the summer.
Whatever the reason is, I am relieved and happy that it is to be held in October. It is one of the events that excites me. I am lucky to enjoy it again this year from the best place, my home. It takes place just in front of my apartment so I can enjoy it without going to the venue in the crowd.
I am really looking forward to the coming October.


