
September 24, 2023: Akashiya Sanma-san, His way of Life (明石家さんまさん、生き方)

Once we are born in this world, we must die. I will have to put an end to my life one day, too. Sometimes, I think about what is the best way to die, but I still have no clear idea. But I found out that my favourite comedian, Akashia Sanma-san, has it:

- He wants to die in an exciting or thrilling way. That is the best way for him to die. He wants to be able to think about what and how death is, soon. But he is not mature enough yet.
- He fears death and is worried about what will happen to him when he comes to the end of his life. On the other hand, he thinks that because he understands in his heart that he will die one day, he is trying to enjoy his life, talking a lot and going out with his girlfriends.
- He thinks that death has enabled him to work hard. He needs death because he cannot imagine his life without it.
- He is struggling to stay as young as possible. But the older he gets, the more he becomes interested in the beauty of nature and the more he hates to look back on his past.
- He thinks that he could overcome himself if he could face death with interest.

He is fighting against himself all the time. He tries to overcome what he has in his mind, even death. This is the very way of his life, the source of creating his energetic performances anywhere. The way of his life is almost the same as Tsurube-san’s. I need a bit of their inner energy.


- ワクワクしながら死ねたら一番いい。「おい、死ってどんなやねん、って思う脳に早く切り替えたい」。でもまだ「自分の人間力では無理」と自嘲している。
- いつかやってくる自分の「死」に対しては、「いざとなったときどうなるか、自分も不安。怖いのは事実」と漏らす。一方で、「『死』があるのが脳で分かってるからこうして喋ったり、女の子とデートしたりするんだろうと思う。
- 自分は、少しでも若くありたいと「あがく」。年を取るにつれ「花鳥風月」に興味を持ち始めることや、過去を振り返りたがることを拒否する。
- 「死」にまで好奇心を持つことができたら「勝ち」なのだと思う。


