June 20, 2024: Big Mistake (ヘマ)
The other day, I enjoyed the benefit of a weak Japanese yen for the first time in the last couple of years. And it will probably be the first and last time, and I will never get that benefit again. Nonetheless, it is a small thing. I sold four foreign currencies: Swiss francs, Hong Kong dollars, Mexican pesos and Chinese yuans. I had held and forgotten about them for ten or more years. But I found them the other day when I was tidying up my books.
I also tried to sell Norwegian krones and Belgian francs. But neither was accepted. It seemed that the Norwegian currency was not accepted due to its small circulation in Japan. The Belgian francs were not accepted as they were no longer in circulation. They are now replaced by Euros. I was foolish to try to sell such an old currency.
In the end, I sold the four currencies at very good rates to get as much as a special tax cut in June. And that, I could get them just by selling them and paying a small amount of handling fees. I had no extra work to do for it. Nor did I force anyone else to do it. They were in the ordinary course of business. I really felt as if I had got a special bonus. I also felt like having got more out of it than the special tax cut in June. It did not force anyone to use extra money as the special tax cut did. It seemed to tell me that 'simple is the best in everything'.
It was a very happy day. I was a little elated to have a chance to get a new fountain pen. But the next day, I made a big mistake! I told it to my wife and the Japanese yen was taken away from me. I was planning to use that money to buy a fountain pen without telling my wife. But I missed the chance. How stupid I was!