
February 19, 2024: Moderation in All Things (何事もほどほどに)

'Too much of a good thing is a bad thing'. I made a blunder that made me take it into my heart. I did so many exercises that I hurt my left knee, and to be exact, I damaged my goose foot. In January, I learned what I had to do to improve my gait from a chiropractor. That was of great help to me, and I have been spending a lot of time doing them since then.
But when doing them, I found that my left leg did not work as well as I expected. I could not use it as well as I expected because it is a few centimetres shorter than my right leg with an artificial hip. And one day, I found that I had to learn how to kick harder with that leg. Then, I looked at what was missing to kick harder with it and found that I should use my big toe more to kick harder. Since then, I began to do the exercises, using my big toe much more than before. In particular, I tried to kick, putting more weight on my big toe. For a while, since I began it, the way I do the exercises worked well and I felt that I could do the exercises better than previously. So, I kept on doing the way. But one day, after a week, I felt some pain on the inner side of my left knee when I was doing the exercises. At first, the pain was not so bad and I managed to walk with no support like a cane. But as time went by, the pain became severer and severer and I could not walk without a cane. I looked at what was wrong with my knee over the Internet and found that I seemed to hurt my goose foot. I also found that it was caused by using my big toe too much.
Since then, I have been using a cane whenever I walk. I even need it to go to the toilet or the bathroom. I had done exactly what is called 'too much of a good thing is a bad thing'.

『過ぎたるは及ばざるが如し』。これを痛感することをしでかしてしまいました。エクササイズをやりすぎて左膝、正確には鵞足、を痛めてしまいました。1月に整体師さんから、歩き方改善のためにやるべきことを教えてもらいました。これが、おおいに役立ち、それ以来、エクササイズに多くの時間を費やしています。ところが、それをやっている時に、左足が思ったほどうまく動いていないことに気づきました。人工股関節が入っている右足より数センチ短いため、うまく使えないのです。そしてある日、その足でもっと強く蹴るやり方を覚えねばと感じました。そこで、左足で強く蹴るためには足りないことを検討の結果、足の親指をもっと使った方がいいことが分かりました。それ以来、以前よりもっと親指を使って、練習をするようになりました。特に、親指に体重をかけて蹴るようにしました。やり始めてしばらくは、そのやり方がうまくいって、前よりエクササイズをうまくこなせるようになった気がしました。それで、このやり方を続けました。ところが1週間ほど経ったある日、エクササイズをしていると左膝の内側に痛みを感じたのです。最初のうちは痛みも大したことはなく、杖などのサポートがなくてもなんとか歩けました。でも、時間が経つにつれて、痛みはどんどんひどくなり、杖なしでは歩けなくなりました。 インターネットで膝のどこが悪いのか調べてみたら、どうやら鵞足を痛めたようです。親指の使いすぎが原因だということもわかりました。

