
May 16, 2024: My Dodgy PC (調子の悪いボクのPC)

As I wrote before, my Dell PC did not get to work well about a week ago. Since then, I tried a lot of things to fix it. I first checked Windows’ updates, but no update. Then, I checked updates from Dell and found some updates. So, they were installed but did not fix my PC.
Then, I tested the internet speed to record 62.6 Mbps for downloads and 36.3 Mbps for uploads, which was not as bad as I expected. So, I focused on deleting installed software and applications that I had not used for a long time. First, I deleted the e-mail software, Justsytem’s Shriken, and restarted the PC. But no change was seen. So, I deleted a number of other software. Nevertheless, no change was seen in the PC, either.
So, I finally decided to delete my favourite software, LibreOffice, which I had used to write articles for the blog site note. As a result, surprisingly, I found the PC completely fixed and working as well as before. The software was the cause of the trouble. Since then, the PC has been as comfortable to use as before.
The trouble told me to maintain the PC regularly to keep it in a good condition. So, I have made it a rule to scan and update the system at least every week.
I also know that I should clean the inside, but I am not still brave enough to do it. I am so bad at playing with machines that I am afraid to break the PC by opening the PC and cleaning the inside. So, before I do it, I will try to learn how to clean the inside on the Internet and YouTube. Otherwise, I will ruin myself and have to buy a new PC.

 そこで、長い間使っていなかったソフトやアプリケーションを削除することに集中しました。まず、ジャストシステムのメールソフト Shrikenを削除し、再起動しました。でも、何の変化も見られませんでした。そこで、他のソフトもいくつか削除してみたのですが、それでも、変化は見られませんでした。

