
July 16, 2023: Summer Holidays in Europe (欧州の夏休み)

The summer holiday season will soon start in Japan. So will Europe. When I lived in Europe, when and how people took them depended on the country and the person. In the UK and the Netherlands, offices did not close during the season. Instead, they individually took a few weeks off at their own convenience. I, myself, always took a week off in the season. It helped me recreate myself a lot. For the first few days, I could not get my business out of my head, but after that, I completely forgot about it and could focus on enjoying the rest with my family. When I was in the UK, I drove from London to Wales in the season.
On the other hand, Southern Europeans were very bold to take the holiday. People in France, Italy and Spain were off for the whole of August. August let them completely forget about their businesses and enjoy their own lives. In other words, they closed their offices in August. And I could not get in touch with any of my contacts in August. That meant that I had no chance to do business with them and could take no orders. I could not do anything with it since that was their custom for many years. But when I know for the first time that I could not take any orders from them in August, I was a little panicked and tried to take orders from other customers as much as possible. But it was in vain. The 3 customers were too big to make up for the loss with other customers.


