Obituaries (訃報)
I have only almost a month to go. Looking back on this year, I heard of a lot of deaths of celebrities. Just recently, I have heard the deaths of an actor, Shohei Hino-san and a former Sumo wrestler, Akira Kitanofuji-san. They were famous for their love affairs when they were full of energy. In particular, the actor had hunted popular singers and actresses and used to be followed by a lot of reporters. The latter was so strong in sumo that he reached the highest rank in sumo. But he was also very active in his private life.
But they changed their lifestyles late in their lives. The actor began a new TV show late in his life, in which he travelled all over Japan by bike. It must have been very hard for him to travel every day with keeping his old body going.
In the case of the ex-sumo wrestler, he attracted TV viewers as a sumo commentator. He was very good at talking and made a lot of interesting and funny comments on sumo. He amused me a lot and if it had not been for him, I would not have been able to enjoy sumo that much. May they rest in peace.
Yesterday, I got more sad news. A rakugo storyteller, Katsura Jakujyaku-san, passed away. I was stunned with the news. He was the same age as me. He was too young to pass away. He was one of the best. He was so good at rakugo that he had often caught me in the spiral of laughing. I really appreciate his efforts. But all I can do now is to wish him a peaceful journey to the afterlife.
Time always goes on and never wait for me, no matter what happens to me.