
Sleep (睡眠)

Last Sunday, I slept very well. It was as if I had slept in the afternoon and in the night all the time. In the morning, as usual, I did my routines such as, journaling, checking my blood pressure and writing a blog. And I went out for a walk . That day, I walked a lot more than usual. The day before I had found an interesting place, and I went there to see what it was like. It was about 20 minutes walk from my house. But I could not get there in 20 minutes and it took me another 10 minutes. As soon as I arrived there, I immediately went back home. Where I had been tempted to see was not what I expected at all. In the end, I walked about an hour and a half to get there and back home. It means that I walked a half an hour longer than usual.
Then, all of sudden, I got very sleepy after lunch. I was so sleepy that I went to bed. I expected to wake up in about an hour. But I slept for about 3 hours, and it was around 17:00 early evening. It was a big surprise to my wife as well as me that I slept so long. I was also disappointed to spend the afternoon sleeping.
Then, I had dinner and took a bath. And I spent a few hours watching TV and reading a book. Then, I went to bed. I was not sleepy, but I went there. It was a time to go bed. I wondered if I could fall asleep. But it was a pointless concern. I fell asleep and slept as soon as I got into bed. I woke up around 3:00 am, but fell asleep again and had deep sleep until 6:30 am.
I do not know why I slept so well. The day after, I was in a good condition and had nothing bad with me.
Then, what made me have such long and deep sleep? I do not know for now.

 先週の日曜日は、良く寝ました。 昼も夜もずっと寝ていたかのようです。朝、いつものようにジャーナリングをし、血圧をチェックし、そしてブログを書きました。その後、ウォーキングに行きました。その日はいつもよりウォーキングが長かったです。前日に面白い場所を見つけたので、どんなところか見に行きたくなったのです。家から歩いて20分ほどのところでした。でも、20分では着けず、10分ほど余分にかかりました。到着するやいなや、帰ることにしました。見たいと思っていた場所が、予想とまったく違っていたからです。結局、往復で1時間半ほど歩きました。いつもより30分長く歩いたことになります。


