October 27, 2021: ホンマでっか!?TV、大久保佳代子さん、池田清彦さん (Is It True !? TV’, Kayoko Okubo, Kiyohiko Ikeda)
Ups and downs make your life worth living. This message came from Kiyohiko Ikeda, a biologist and critic, who heard what Kaoyoko Okubo is concerned about her current life on ‘Honnmadekka!? TV’ (‘Is It True !? TV’), a variety show by Fuji TV.
The female comedian has spent a monotonous life every day since she reached the age of 50 years old. For example, her day starts by imagining her to-do list and finishes off as expected in the morning. The dull life that has no ups and downs seems to cause her to suffer from a bit of anxiety and loneliness.
I also have a monotonous life that may be more uneventful than her life. Every morning, I make a to-do list for my daily planning and spend the day doing it exactly. It is only occasional online workshops that give me a slight excitement.
Nothing will change unless I take action for change and excitement. As a first step, I will go out to Tokyo as the Covid-19 pandemic comes to an end.