
Ten-Key-Less Keyboard (テンキーレスキーボード)

It has been almost a year since I began to use a PC keyboard without ten keys. Up to just now, I have used Logicool’s Pebble Keys 2, a ten-key-less keyboard. It has been so easy to use that it has satisfied me. Firstly, it allowed me to put a PC mouse in front of me. And, it took the pain out of my shoulder. When I had used a keyboard with ten keys, I had pain in my shoulder and other parts. It was very unbearable so that I could not use it for a long time. I also had to do stretches to get rid of the pain. But since I began to use the ten-key-less keyboard, I am lucky that I have never had the pain.
Secondly, the ten-key-less keyboard is very light and does not take up much space. So, I can move it around whenever I need to. I often study English grammar with paper books, and I do not need the keyboard at that time. But sometimes I need it to look up words and other things I do not know on the internet. Then, I have to put it in front of me after putting the books next to me. At the moment, I can easily replace the books with the keyboard, which is not possible with the keyboard with ten keys.
But I have had a little problem with the Logicool one. It has small and round keys, which has bothered me for a long time. It has prevented me from typing well. So, I replaced it with a new one yesterday. Of course, the new one has no ten keys and has almost the same size as the old one. But it has much larger keys. The keys are square, and not round. They are far easier and more comfortable to type on than the old one. It is really the right choice.

テンキーがないキーボードを使い始めてからもうすぐ1年になります。今まではロジクールのPebble Keys 2を使っていました。これがとても使いやすく、満足していました。まず、このおかげでマウスを目の前に置くことができるようになり、肩の痛みが取れました。テンキー付きのキーボードを使っていたときは、肩などに痛みがありました。耐えられないほどの痛みで、長い時間使うことができませんでした。この痛みを取り除くためにストレッチもしなければならないほどでした。でも、テンキーレスキーボードを使うようになってからは、幸いなことに一度も痛みがでませんでした。


