
September 9, 2024: Still Lighting a Fire in You (まだ妬いている?)

It has been four years since I retired. I still work for the company from which I retired at the age of 60. But I work as a contract worker at my home. I enjoy my current life a lot. I still have a lot to do for the company. But I do not have to spend as much time spent at work as I did before I retired. I can do what I want to do with my time. So, I enjoy my life by studying English, maths and other things. And I usually spend my mornings writing articles for the blog site ‘note’. So, I have nothing to complain about my life. I enjoy the relaxed and calm life.
But I sometimes feel that my current life is so calm that it is boring. I just do the same things every day, no matter what day it is. In a way, it is great that I can do this every day like a robot. It is because I have had almost no chance to talk to someone but my wife. I have no chance to talk to someone at the company for which I work now. I have had chances to communicate with them, but not by parol.
Certainly, this kind of life has helped me to spend my calm life. But it has not helped to energise me. In other words, I have had almost no chance to see things that would light a fire in me. I have forgotten the feelings of anger, jealousy and envy. I have also forgotten being competitive. I am afraid that the more I will continue my current way of life, the more I will lose these feelings and emotions and become a hermit.
But it is too early for me to become a hermit. No one knows what will happen to themselves just after what they are now. I may have ended my life a second later. But as far as I feel, I seem to live a little longer. I still have some of the things I want to do. So I have to do or find something that will light a fire in me.


