January 11, 2022:桂文枝、司会、落語家、桂三輝 (Katsura Bunshi, Host, Traditional Japanese Comic Storyteller, Kastura Sunshine)
I got sad news about my favourite TV moderator, Katsura Bunshi. He announced that he would quit hosting the TV program 'Shinkon-san Irasshai' in March 2022. He has hosted the program and amused the audience for half a century. However, he finds it is time to leave the program since he has recently been unable to communicate with his guests well. I thank him for his long-term efforts to host the TV program.
He is a well-known traditional Japanese comic storyteller, too. He has created many original stories, and I have enjoyed them a lot. After he quits the host, he is determined to focus on the storytelling. The 78-years-old storyteller is full of energy and going to make new original stories. I anticipate the new ones.
He has apprentices. Among them is Katsura Sunshine. He comes from Canada and comically tells traditional Japanese stories in English. His performances are richly comic and make me laugh a lot.