
Nostalgic Songs (懐メロ)

The other day, I happened to hear a nostalgic song. It came when I happened to watch Mugaku Turu no Ma, a TV talk show hosted by Shofukutei Tsurube, a Japanese storyteller and comedian. I have known about the show, but did not know that it went on the air on TV. It was the first time to watch the show on TV. It is regularly held in a very small theatre in Osaka, and Tsurube-san talks to his guest in front of just about 40 audience. In the beginning, he talks alone, and then invites his guest to talk to. He is as very good at talking as my favourite comedian, Akashiya Sanma,  and he makes me laugh a lot as well as his audience.
It was Masaki Ueda, a singer, who was invited to the episode of which I watched the show. He surprised me, and it has been a very long time ago since I saw him with my eyes. He was already 75 years old and looked aged. But he looked good and sang a few songs on the show. One of them was Kanashii Iro Yanen, my favourite song, and touched me a lot. It was a big hit in the 1980s, and I heard it for the first time in about 40 years.  He has changed the way he sings a bit, but it still touched me and reminded me of a lot about me in the 1980s. I was very happy to see him and hear his song.
Then, all of sudden, I was tempted to, and did, listen to the songs of Eigo Kawashima. My favourite song of his is Sake to Namida to Otoko to Onna.
Now, I am soaking in listening to their songs. Their songs always give me the feeling that they are rooted in Osaka, and they remind me of the memories of my college life in Osaka. It was one of my golden ages, and I still have a lot of good memories in my mind.

 先日、ふと懐かしい歌を耳にしました。笑福亭鶴瓶さんが司会を務めるトーク番組「無学 鶴の間」をたまたま見ていたときのことでした。このトークライブのことは知っていましたが、テレビでやっているとは知りませんでした。それで、テレビで見るのは今回が初めてでした。このショーは、大阪の小さな劇場で定期的に開催されています。わずか40人ほどの観客を前に、鶴瓶さんがゲストとトークを繰り広げます。最初は鶴瓶さん一人で、それからゲストを呼んで話をします。ボクが大好きな明石家さんまさんと同様、鶴瓶さんも話が上手で、観客だけでなくボクも大いに楽しませてくれます。


