
September 14, 2021:NHK 「100分 de 名著」(NHK TV Program “100 Minutes de Classic”)

 Yesterday, I watched the TV program “100 Minutes de Classic” for the first time in two years. The program produced by NHK Educational TV gives clear and detailed explanations on dense classics and helps me to understand those books.
 In the program aired on September 13, 2021, Hikaru Ijyun, Michiko Abe and Satetsu Takeda discussed the book “the Crowd: Study of the popular mind” written by Gustave Le Bon, a French social psychologist. The remarkable discussion was about the impact of simple expressions such as slogans and bullet points on people. Satesu Takeda explained that the simple expressions are easy to understand, simplify things and tend to incite people to follow the expressions, but those people do not always fully understand the expressions.
I agree that straightforward expressions enable speakers to simply express to crowds what they want to do, and I have used these expressions in my presentation materials. Further, when I am impressed by presentations from other speakers, I tend to believe that I fully understand what they told. However, the TV program suggests that I review whether I really have a full understanding on it.
 It is important to not accept any straightforward expressions easily and to examine them carefully, staying out of any incitement.

 昨日、2年ぶりにNHK Eテレの「100分 de 名著」を観ました。前回は、マルクス・アウレリアスの「自省録」の回を観ました。この番組は、難しい古典をわかりやすく解説してくれるので、古典を読むための入り口としては最適の番組です。
 確かに、相手に物事をわかりやすく伝えるには、単純明快な表現のほうが伝わりやすく、ボクも、プレゼン料などでは、できるだけ簡単でわかりやすい表現を使います。また、人のプレゼンがうまいと感じると、わかりやすいく、理解できたと考えがちですが、 本当に理解できたかを疑ってみる必要があるかもしれません。
