July 18:セブンイレブンのセミセルフレジ(Semi-self Checkout Registers at 7-Eleven)

 I sometime go shopping at 7-Eleven stores near my house. However, I am irritated by their semi-self checkout registers. When I bring my purchases to a shop counter, a store clerk scans my purchases as usual and I have to promptly put the scanned purchases in my bag. However, before I finish putting all of my purchases in my bag, I am required to make operations for payment since the staff press a checkout button. Then, I have to press a button, choose to pay with the Suica card and then scan my Suica card. Further, if my Sucica card does not have enough money, an alarm goes off. Then, I need to make additional operations to add money to my Suica card and have to repeat the same operation to settle the payment. During the operations, I am being watched by the store clerk who does not do anything but watching me. I am very irritated by such reception and inefficient operations, and strongly require Seven-Eleven Japan to introduce a full self-checkout system so that I can complete at my pace the operations from scanning to payment. Further if I say aloud “pay with my Suica Card as I did previously, I was pointed to the register display and required to operate the register by the clerk.

In the traditional manner, I could save my time and energy since a shop clerk made most of the operations on my behalf and I can finish my checkout just by scanning my Suica card upon request to do so.

