October 31, 2024: Epigonen(エピゴーネン)
‘Epigonen’. This is another word which I had not known and not used, in addition to a French word ennui. It is a German word which in English means a follower.
It is a taboo word for me. Looking back on my life, I hate following others and have told myself not to do so as much as possible. In other words, I am very bad at running with others. I have had such a character when I was a kid. So, I tended to play alone instead of with my friends. One reason why is that I only had only a few friends of the same age and that most of my friends are older me. I had to follow the older ones and to do what I was told by them, no matter whether I was convinced or not. As a result, I have come to enjoy playing alone.
In other words, I had lost the chance to learn how to work or play with friends and others in my childhood, which have significantly affected my later life. I had difficulty working with my classmates in my schools. And sometimes, I had the same difficulty when I was working. I was lucky that most of my bosses were very tolerant and listened to what I told them. So, I was convinced by most of what I was told by them and did as I was told. But I had a very bad relationship with a couple of bosses. They had a bossy attitude and did not listen to what I told them. They just told me to do what they told me, no matter if I agreed or not. At the time, I was very exhausted and tired. I could have enjoyed my career and have gotten on with a better relationship with them, if I had been a good follower (epigonen).