
August 24, 2023: Comedy Shows in Kansai Area (関西のお笑い番組)

I really think that I like to laugh at watching comedy shows. I also think that the comedy culture in Kansai has taken root in my mind. I have been reminded of these things since I began to use TVer, a video-on-demand service. It has given me a great chance to watch comedy shows that are broadcast only in the Kansai area. And it has given me a lot of time to laugh at their comedy shows. As I watch them more and more, I feel as if I had been watching comedy shows I used to watch when I was a child. But they cannot be the same. In fact, there are big differences between the current ones and the old ones in many ways. But I feel like being used to watching them. They must have some of the traces of the old ones.
I see more TV shows with comedians in the Kansai area than in any other area. Among them are three shows, which have attracted me the most: ‘AKASHIYA TV ‘, ‘Marco Pololi’ and ‘Gobu Gobu’. I also love ‘FootMap’ and ‘Uramayo’, which are hosted by the comedy duo, Football Hour and Black Mayonnaise respectively. Each of them has an atmosphere that I never feel in the shows that are broadcast in the Kanto area. It means that all the comedians are very relaxed. And it seems that none of them has a detailed script. So, comedians show themselves as they are and say what they want to say while keeping the TV rules. From another point of view, they are always in a difficult situation. They have to produce their shows and make the audience laugh, with their own skills, without scripts. Otherwise, the shows will not be broadcast immediately. In other words, the shows are the battlefields for comedians.



