
October 22, 2023: Continuing Price Hikes(値上げの連続)

So far, there is no sign that prices will cease to rise. I have just recently been told by two parties that they were going to raise the price. Firstly, I was faced with a price hike at a barbershop. When I went to the shop, I was told that the charge for the haircut price was raised by 10%. He had no choice but to raise it because everything was going up. Among them was the energy bill, which was his biggest headache. But I had no problem accepting it because I understood how difficult it was to keep running the business at the old price. I also knew that he had never raised it for about 10 to 15 years, whatever happened to him. So I agreed with it and had him cut my hair at the new price. I am also ready to accept him raising the price again as long as it is up to 10% if he really has to do it to continue the business.
Then, I received a notice from NTT. It said that they would raise the price for the Flets-Hikari service soon. In other words, they would soon stop giving points and discounts to me as a user of the service. They insisted that they had to do it because of the increasing labour costs and others. But it must be price gouging, using the government’s campaign to raise wages. All they have to do is to send me the notice. But I have to struggle to find an alternative since I do not accept it as it is. I only have a few choices. But I have to choose one of them in a few months.



