
September 30, 2024: Health Check, Kamakura(健康診断、鎌倉)

(Note: I had written this article before I was hospitalized.)

The other day,  I went  to a hospital for my health check. It was a regular annual event. I have been to the same hospital in my town and it has been about 10 years since I began to go there. It is not close to where I live. Or rather, it is far away and it takes me about an hour to get there on foot and by bus. If I wanted to, I could choose another hospital that is closer to where I live. Nevertheless, I have been there for no reason. And I went  there this year again. So, I went on the Internet to check the timetable. First, I typed where I was leaving and where I was arriving. And when I put in where I was arriving, I felt something strange. I had typed  'Kamakura' on the website. At the moment, I was aware that my town had the same geographical name, Kamakura, as that famous town with a lot of temples. I have been using the bus stop for a long time, but I had never been aware that it has the same name as that famous town. Nor had I ever imagined that my town had an area with the same name as the famous names of other towns. It was a new discovery after I have lived in this town for about 30 years.
I also checked whether Japan has other areas with the name of Kamaura other than Kamakura city in Kanagawa and the area in my town. And, I found 10 other Kamakura areas, eight of which are in Aichi, Hyogo, Niigata and Tokyo. And above all, what surprised me that Saitama has 3 areas including the area in my town. It was a surprise and fun to find that Japan has a lot of Kamakura areas, as I was surprised by the area name of Karuizawa.

来週の月曜日、健康診断で病院に行くことになっています。毎年の恒例行事です。同じ病院に通い始めて、10年ほどです。ボクの家から近いわけではありません。むしろ、遠くて、歩きとバスで1時間ほどかかります。その気になれば、もっと近い別の病院を選ぶこともできるのですが、 なぜか、そこにずっと通っています。そして今年もそこに行きます。そのために、インターネットでバスの時刻表を調べました。サイトに出発地と到着地を入力したのですが、到着地を入力した時に違和感を覚えました。「鎌倉」と入力していたのです。その瞬間、自分の住んでいる町に、お寺の多いあの有名な町「鎌倉」(神奈川県の「鎌倉」)と同じ地名であることに気がついたのです。昔から利用しているバス停でしたが、あの有名な町と同じ名前だと意識したことがありませんでした。また、自分の住んでいる町に、他の有名な町と同じ名前の地域があるとは想像もしていませんでした。この町に30年ほど住んでいますが、新たな発見でした。

