May 14, 2022: Imkotako Nankin, Seiko Tanabe, Department Stores, Giuliano Gemma (芋たこなんきん、田辺聖子さん、百貨店、ジュリアーノジェンマ)
I happened to watch a rerun of the series drama Imotako Nankin. It was the biographical drama of Seiko Tanabe, an author. It depicted her life in Osaka. Her part was played by Naomi Fujiyama and her husband by Jun Kunimura. Their interactions made me laugh very much.
In the episode I watched, a Senryu competition took place on the roof floor of a department store. It reminds me that department stores had a strong presence in the 1970s and 1980s. They were full of luxury and had quality lineups. When I entered them, I had their good smell and felt like I had been in another world.
They had an amusement park and events on the roof floor. They helped me to see many celebrities. One of them was Giuliano Gemma, an Italian actor. He was the first foreign celebrity I saw.
百貨店の屋上には遊園地もあり、イベントも行われていました。また、百貨店はセレブにあう機会も提供くれました。その内の一人が、イタリア俳優 ジュリアーノジェンマさんです。ボクが初めて生で会った外国のセレブだったと思います。