
May 30, 2023: Future of ChatGPT (ChatGPTの将来)

Recently, ChatGPT has caused quite a stir. But I still do not understand it very well. I am an early adopter, but unusually, I have not yet been able to get interested in it. I have sometimes searched the internet to see what it is. But I have not yet been tempted to try it. I do not know exactly why, but this is probably because I do not see how it will improve my life.
Nevertheless, I know that it will have unknowingly entered into and changed my life soon or later. I am ready to accept it, as there is no way to exclude it from my digital life. However, I still like to struggle with it. I am reluctant to hand over my whole life to technology and machines. I still want to enjoy racking my brain to figure things out for myself. So I will wait and see how ChatGPT develops for a while.
It is also worth noting what happened to Metaverse. It caused a stir about a year ago, just like the ChatGPT is doing now. But I have not seen or heard much about it recently. Has it died out in the mass market? IT technologies have made amazing progress, but they were also quick to die out. What will happen to the ChatGPT? It may die out soon. So, let's wait and see what will happen to it for a while, and I do not have to waste my time and energy.

 ところで、一時世間を騒がせたメタバースはどうなったのでしょうか? これに関するニュースや情報をさっぱり見なくなりました。メタバースはもう終わりなのでしょうか? IT技術の進歩は目覚ましいものがありますが、その一方で廃れるのも早いです。CHATGPTもどうなることやら。とりあえず様子を見た方がよさそうです。そうすれば、時間と労力を無駄にせずに済みます。


