
August 19, 2023: Body Hair, Armpit Hair (体毛、わき毛)

I read several of Akira-san’s articles. One of them was about armpit hair, which I found interesting. It also got me thinking about body hair for a while. I am lucky not to have gone bald yet even though I am already in my sixties. I still have a lot of grey hair on my head. But I do not have as much hair on other parts of my body as I do on my head. For example, I do not have a thick beard. So I do not need it every day. The same goes for my armpit hair. I only have a little and have never shoved it once in my life. It has helped me save time for shaving hair.
As Akira-san says, it is common for Japanese women to shave their armpit hair. And Japanese men are said to begin to shave theirs, too. It means that Japanese women and men have been getting more and more nervous about their appearances. But I know that there are women in the world who do not care about and do not shave their armpit hair. One of them is Dutch women. When I lived in the Netherlands, I saw a lot of women wearing no-sleeved dresses in the hot summer without shaving their armpit hair. When I saw it for the first time, I was a little confused but got used to seeing it as time went on. I do not know exactly why they do not shave theirs. But it is a Dutch tradition. But other Europeans seem to have their own ways. According to Maico-tsubaki-san’s article, French women seem to have the same tradition as Dutch women. But Italian women do not. It is common for Italian women to shave their armpit hair.

 あきらさんの記事にあるように、日本の女性はわき毛処理をするのが当たり前になっています。いまでは、男性も処理をするようです。日本の女性も男性も身だしなみをますます気にするようになっているように感じます。でも、世界には、わき毛に気にも留めず、剃らない女性もいます。その一つせんが、これが習慣のようです。また、他の欧州の女性も自分たちのやり方があるようです。maico tubakiさんの記事によると、フランスの女性はオランダの女性と同じ習慣のようです。でも、イタリアの女性は違います。イタリアの女性からすると、わき毛を処理するの普通のようです。


