January 26, 2022:高木美帆選手、納得感 (Miho Takagi, Speed Skater, Self-satisfaction)
On Sunday, I watched the TV program 'NHK Special' which features Miho Tkagai, a speed skater. I was impressed by her hard effort to improve her skating skill.
I understand through the program that whether her skating can satisfy herself or not is more important to her than whether she wins or not and that self-satisfaction is a driver of her growth.
Self-satisfaction is also essential to me. I always set my objective for an objective given to me. It may be a lower or higher target than the given one. If I achieve it but miss the given one, I receive a low evaluation. However, I am happy with the result and do not care about how I am assessed.
I learned the importance of self-satisfaction from my mental and physical exhaustion.
日曜日に、スピードスケートの高木美帆選手を特集した「NHKスペシャル」を観ました。 彼女のスケートに対するひたむきさが印象的でした。