March 20, 2024: Corporate Culture (会社の文化)
My wife has been working for various types of companies for a long time. Sometimes, she has worked as a regular worker, but sometimes, as a part-time one. She is now in her sixties, but she still works for a company as a part-time worker.
When she begins to work for a new company, she needs time to get used to the way of the company. Each has its own culture. In other words, each has its own character, just as each person has their own. In many of the companies she has worked for, one day, she found that the two companies had completely opposite characters. One was a company with its head office in the North Kanto area in Japan. She was working for the company's branch, most of which the workers come from the region around the head office. They spoke in their dialect, so she needed time to get used to it. She also found that they were not straightforward with each other. Even when one of them had a gripe about something a colleague had done, he or she did not tell it to the colleague directly. Instead, behind the colleague's back, he or she complained about it to other colleagues. The way they did looked unfair in the eyes of my wife.
But she found the opposite character in another company with the head office in Osaka. She was surprised to see that the workers were straightforward and direct with each other. Whenever they had something that did not satisfy them, they told it to the other person directly and asked him or her to correct it. And that, they communicated in the Kansai dialect. When she saw the scene for the first time, it was a big surprise for her because she had never seen such a straight communication before. But as she got used to such straight communication, she learned how to communicate with them and felt comfortable in the way to communicate.
The company in Osaka seemed to fit her personality, and she enjoyed her working life at the company very much.