
April 1, 2024: Dining Out (外食)

The other day, my wife and I ordered a pizza. It had been a long time since we had ordered one. When we have a pizza, we always order the one with Pizza-la, a pizza chain in Japan. But this time, we were a little annoyed if we use the chain as usual or should try the one at an Italian restaurant near my flat. We finally ordered it with the chain and did not use the restaurant. While we were waiting for the one at home, we were worried that the pizza might not be the same as before. As everything was going up now, it was no surprise that the pizza might have some changes. But we were relieved to see it. It had no change. The size, the toppings, everything remained the same. We enjoyed it very much and were sure we had made the right choice.
I have been very reluctant to go out to eat lately. Time has changed, and I am no longer able to enjoy lunch and dinner in a restaurant. The restaurants in Japan used to let me enjoy their meals of good quality at reasonable prices. So, I used to go out to eat with my wife and daughter whenever any of them was tempted to eat out. In particular, I used to have dinner at least once a month at a family-style restaurant, COCOS, near my flat. But I no longer do that. None of the restaurants can afford to offer me meals of good quality at a reasonable price as they used to. And what is worse, the COCOS restaurant has closed down.
Today is the Day of April Fools. I wish that everything that has happened so far was a temporary nightmare. But unfortunately, it is not, but a reality. I have to accept it and find a way to struggle with it. The best way is to stop thinking about eating out and focus on enjoying my wife’s meals. I am no longer young enough to enjoy eating out. I am originally not a gourmet and have a distorted taste. So I do not have to eat out.


