
February 27, 2022:京都弁、うっとしい、文化の違い (Kyoto Dialect, Uttoshii, Cultural Difference)

 I often use the Japanese word‘Uttoshii’ (‘うっとしい’ in Hiragana characters) in daily conversation. I have been using it for more than sixty years since I was born in Kyoto. It is a handy word to convey my uncomfortable feelings in various scenes. ‘Uttoshii weather’ means that the weather is gloomy. When I cannot understand what my boss wants to say, I tell her that what you are saying is too complicated and Uttoshii. Further, I use the word when I am complained to by my boss.
However, the word seems uncomfortable and appalling to her since she heard it for the first time when she married me. She hates my using the word and has required me to refrain from using it. But, I cannot still refrain from using it. Thirty-six years have passed since I married her, but it is too short for us to overcome the cultural differences.


