March 15, 2024: TV Failure (テレビの故障)

The other day, the Android TV at home suddenly got out of order. I pressed a button on a remote control to turn it on. But no picture appeared. Instead, it had the message that it had a poor reception. About five or ten minutes ago, it had worked well, and my wife had enjoyed a TV show. So I was amazed at it and was at a loss for what to do. I told my wife that the TV was out of order. Then, she began to find out what was wrong with it while reading the manual. First, she checked the TV's reception and found it had a good reception. Then, she tried a few other things to fix it, but to no avail. Finally, she decided to reset the TV as there was no other way to repair it. So she pressed the reset button on the back of the TV. It then began to reboot automatically. We were waiting, with breathless interest, to see what would happen. As soon as it finished rebooting, my wife pressed a TV channel button to see if it was fixed. Then the image came up, and it returned to normal. My wife and I were relieved to see the result.
It was a pity that I had to rely on my wife to fix the TV. While she was trying to fix it, I had nothing to do but wait and see what she was doing. She knew a lot more about the TV than I did. So, she did not rely on me at all. On the contrary, I might hinder her as I tended to tell her something irrelevant about the problem. So, I tried to talk to her as little as possible not to bother her while she was fixing it. I have few things I can do for what is at home.


