
April 6, 2024: Love on My Palm (手のひらの恋)

Love on my palm. I have thought and imagined about it, but I still do not know what it is for me. It was a small heart on my right palm that came to mind first. I tried to write something with it but failed. Nothing came to mind from it. So, I stared at my palms for a while and found the lines on them. Then, palm reading came to mind, and I checked it on websites.
But I gave it up soon. My palm lines are too complicated to find. First of all, I checked the love line, but it was not on my left palm. According to the website, the line usually goes horizontally in the centre of the left palm. But it was not on my left palm. I also checked the heart line on my right palm. I could find it, but it is branched at the end. So, I did not see what it meant. My lines seem to tell me that they are so complicated that they are hard to read my fortune.
But I was delighted to see no love line in my palm. It means I will not have fallen in love for a while. That is good news because I have not meant to fall in love with someone other than my wife. I hope that the love line never comes out in the future. I can do nothing with it even if it comes out now. I no longer need a new love.
As a conclusion, it is natural that I have nothing to write about the ‘love on my palm’, because no love is on my palm.


