
February 24, 2023:Workshop to Read a Book (2), Adam Grant's "Think Again”(読書会 (2)、アダム・グラントの『Think Again』)

What I read in the workshop was Adam Grant's "Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know. I learnt a lot from it. Among other things, I was interested in the following: Everyone has three patterns of the ways we think. One is the way preachers think. Another is the way politicians think, and the third is the one prosecutors think. But these ways of thinking do not make us think again to see if what we think might be wrong. What we need is the way scientists think. The way scientists think is to make hypotheses, test them and examine the results. It is the greatest intelligence to rethink and doubt the way we think. We tend to close our minds to anything that might threaten our beliefs. In other words, we have stereotypes. We need two things to get rid of them. First, we need to separate what we are now from what we were. We also need to separate what we think or believe from what we are (our identities). In other words, we must always be open to outside information.

 今回のワークショップでボクが選んだ本は、アダム・グラントの『Think Again、発想を変える、思い込みを手放す』でした。この本から学ぶべき点は多々ありましたが、その中でも、以下の点が特に興味深かったです。

