August 1, 2023: Hotter and More Humid Summer Than Usual (例年以上に蒸し暑い夏)
It seems to me that this summer is hotter and more humid than usual. In the past few years, I have never used an air conditioner to cool down my workroom, no matter how hot it was. However, I cannot stay in the room without it this year. In particular, I really need it from about 15:00 every day. It is getting hotter and hotter, and more and more humid. I do not know exactly why this summer is harder than usual. But one of the reasons is that the heat came earlier than usual. It came in early July and I was not yet ready for the heat. Another reason is that my health may have changed before I realised it. I myself have never felt anything wrong with my body until now.
As far as I feel, I have nothing wrong with my body. But this spring, I had diverticular bleeding. I meant to have fully recovered from it, but it may have a slight effect on my health.
This hot and humid July ended. The coming August must be very hot and humid, too. But it is the last challenge this year.