
September 19, 2024: My Blood Pressure, My Doctor (血圧とかかりつけの先生)

 It has been a year since I had a record high blood pressure of 180. It was a reading at the hospital I went for my regular health check. It was so high that I was not allowed to have barium swallow test. It confused me so much that I rushed to a doctor near my home. Then, I was told to take blood pressure tablets. Since then, I followed the saying, and I have been taking them every day. And I reached the first anniversary the other day. In other words, it was the day of my first check-up since I began to take the tablets.
 I was a bit nervous about having my blood pressure taken. First, I did it with a blood pressure monitor and then, I had my blood pressure taken with a manual one. The result was about 160 and 145, respectively. They relieved me very much. In particular, I was very happy with the 2nd result. It was close to the readings taken by my doctor near my home. It was thanks to my doctor.
 But I still have to do a lot for my blood pressure. I have found a big difference between them and the readings taken at my home after I wake up. My blood pressure is always less than 130 at my home and much less than the readings at the hospital and my doctor. At my doctor, I have always shown him the daily readings at my home and then, I have it taken with a manual one. Then, the reading is always higher by around 10 than those at my home. I have always been disappointed with it, but he always says to me, ‘ Don’t get disappointed so much. You do not have to worry about it. It is not a serious problem.’ What he tells me is the best medication to lower my blood pressure. When he says so, he looks so confident that he always reassures me very much and makes me rely on him.
 I really appreciate his efforts and being near me.


