My Diet (ボクの食生活)
My wife has been taken care of my diets. She has been trying not to use what seems or is said to be bad for my health. She always checks the information on food on the internet and tries not to use food that is bad for my health.
And since I got sick in September, she has got more careful of it. She began to avoid what is generally not so bad. Sometimes, I had had Cup Noodles, instant noodles. I liked to have them with rice. But I am now not allowed to have them. The other day, I told my wife that I wanted to have them. Then, I was told that they were so bad for my health that they were no longer in stock. So, I had to give them up.
And now, I am not allowed to have anything with caffeine in it. It has been a while since I stopped drinking coffee that has a lot of caffeine. I am now getting used to having no coffee and have no interest in it. Now I am not allowed to drink some Japanese teas, either. I can drink a barley tea, but not a green tea, which in my wife's opinion, has a small portion of caffeine. I was upset when I was told so, and I was aware that I was no longer an ordinary person, and that I could not eat what I wanted as much as I wanted.
But everything is not bad. Since then, I have been served a wide variety of teas other than the green one. Among them was a tea made from corn, which appealed to me a lot. It had a sweetness that I had never tasted before. In any case, I have no choice but to enjoy what I am served.