
July 13, 2024: Girl in White Suit (白いワンピの女の子)

This is a fictional story. I now live in the time of the pirates, seven groups of which have controlled the main seas of the world. And one of them, 'One Piece', has gained its power in the eastern part of the Pacific, the biggest sea in the world. The group was led by Kei for the last four years.
But the other week, an election campaign ran to choose a new leader for the next 4 years. The campaign was run by 3 contenders. Among them were the former male leader, Kei, and the former sub-leader, Sho. They ran their campaigns in the old style. In particular, Kei's campaign heavily depended on block votes. On the other hand, Sho ran an open campaign. He visited all the pirate ships and appealed to his colleagues on the decks for his policies. They did their best to be elected. But they did not attract as many voters as they expected. In the eyes of the voters, they were all similar and not good enough to rely on.
In these circumstances, it was the last female contender, Myu, who fascinated the voters. She, who was independent of the old political groups, called on the voters to break with the old politics depending on block votes. She was putting all her energy into breaking with the old politics. She called for this not only on the decks, but also on the internet. She was not as old as her rivals, and her appeals in a white suit gave a breath of fresh air for the voters. As a result, she won a landslide victory and was elected as the group’s first female leader.
Looking back on the result, she won the support of all generations, including older, conservative voters. In particular, more of young voters went to the poll stations than usual and gave their full support to her. It means that the young voters are fed up with the current politics.
The voters are now expecting her to change everything and rebuild the group from the scratch. In particular, the voters see a need to change the leader's term of office. The 4-year term is too long and should be halved.



