August 21, 2024: English Grammar (英文法)
I have been working on an English grammar book, Oxford English Grammar Course. I have just finished the 4th or 5th round of the book. I still have a lot of things to learn from it, no matter how often I work on it. So, I will work on it again, which will be the 6th or 7th round. It is so ideal a book that I will never stop working on it for a while.
But at the same time, I will work on another grammar book, A Communicative Grammar of English. I have found that I need to work on it to learn English grammar in a different light. I have not yet known how good it is, as I have only just begun to read it. I am still reading the first chapter, 'How to use it'. It consists of 3 chapters, of which the 2nd chapter is the main part. Satisfied with the 2nd chapter, I will work on the exercise book, which is fit to improve my weak points. I have only just read a few pages of the book. It seems to have a lot of exercises on English writing which I need to work on a lot more.
The more I study English grammar, the more I tend to focus on it. It is not wrong to do English grammar as much as possible. But I have to keep it in my mind that English grammar is a part of English.
英文法の本「Oxford English Grammar Course」にずっと取り組んでいます。今、4周目か5周目を終えたところです。何度取り組んでも、この本からまだまだ学ぶことはたくさんあります。というわけで、また6周目か7周目に取り組む予定です。理想的な本で、当面、この本をやめることはないと思います。
でも、同時に、別の文法書「A Communicative Grammar of English」にも取り組むつもりです。英文法を別の角度から学ぶためには、この本が必要になりました。まだ読み始めたばかりで、その良さはわかっていません。なんせ、第1章の「使い方」を読んでいるところですから。この本は、全3章からなり、第2章がメインです。第2章を読んで満足したら、この本のワークブックに取り組むつもりです。この本がボクの弱点を埋めるには適していそうだからです。もっと取り組むべき英作文の練習問題がたくさん載っているのです。