November 28, 2023: Jyoshiryoku (女子力)
Jyoshiryoku. This is a Japanese word used to describe how a girl looks to others. Whether a girl has it or not depends on a lot of elements to judge. But everyone has his or her own elements. In my case, I tend to judge the power by intuition. In other words, I judge it based on a girl or woman’s appearance and how I feel to her. For appearance, I do not care about how tall she is. But I prefer her to be neatly dressed and have natural make-up. For the feeling, I prefer her to give me a calm feeling. Above all, it is very important for her to have round eyes. The eyes are the key element to me. To sum up, a woman who has these elements is my wife. She has everything I need. She is not as tall as other women, but she has round eyes and always gives me a calm feeling. When I first saw her at an office, I had a good image of her by intuition and it was the starting point of the marriage.
Every woman has her own jyoshiryoku. In other words, she has her own character. However, it seems that women in each country have something in common.; e.g. French women have their own common character, while Italian women have theirs. In my eyes, Italian women are more fashionable than French and Spanish women while French women look neatly dressed. And, Spanish women have in- between Italian and French women. When I lived in Europe, I went to these countries very often on business and had seen a lot of women there. It made me feel how different they are, even though they all came from Latin. Of course, they are totally different from Japanese women and have their own jyoshiryoku. I had always felt how different the world was.