September 4, 2021:「2030年すべてが「加速」する世界に備えよ」の読書会(2) (Book Discussion Club for “The Future Is Faster Than You Think” Part 2)
This was the third time that I joined book discussion clubs. For the first time, I realized the effect of the book discussion club which helped me to make out the outline of the 400-page book in just two hours. Unlike the first two book discussion clubs which I joined after having finished reading assigned books, this time, I joined the club without reading the book at all. Accordingly, the club showed me how greatly effective it is to me. I also enjoyed and was thrilled with the work to read and summarize my assigned part. I am very much looking forward to joining future book clubs.
I believe that many predictions described in the book will be realized sooner or later. In particular, I expect the robotic surgery in my part to be fully robotized in ten years with top priority given to the full robotization of hip joint surgery which I experienced approximately 20 years ago.
It is no doubt that all technological progress in not only healthcare but also other fields is beneficial to people. However it is important that we have the ability to choose the technology we need.