
June 16, 2022: Coming Upper House Election, Propaganda Cars, Outdated Campaign System (来たるべき参院選、街宣車、時代遅れの選挙活動)

     An Upper House election is to be held around July 10. It prompts propaganda cars of political parties to run around my town. One of them is a car of a ruling party. Like a campaign car, it shouted something in a high-pitched voice. It is very unpleasant and intolerable to my ear. It seems to look down on me. I feel as if it tells me that all I need to do is to remember the political party's name and candidate and write them on the voting date. The campaign is outdating based on the old mindset that politicians are always great.
     I am not that simple. I am always concerned about current and future Japan. So, I want to cast my vote for a candidate who has close policies to mine. But I have little information on the candidate.


