
November 14, 2023: Frustrating Day (苛立たしい一日)

I was frustrated most of the day yesterday. I had a lot of things to do other things than my routine from early morning. I got up at 4:30 a.m. and did stretching. Then, I had to focus on making a lot of documents with Excel and Access. Before I started it, I would try to finish them in the morning. But I could not finish them in the morning. In fact, I needed a few more hours in the afternoon for them and it was around 3:00 p.m. that I finished them. It disappointed me very much that I had used about 9 hours for them. During the 9 hours, I made a lot of mistakes in using Excel and Access. The mouse I used did not work as I expected. I had better replace it as I hate wasting time on the mouse.
It was only after 3:00 p.m. that I could finally begin to do my routine. As usual, I first began with writing this article. I was very happy to do this as it made me feel relaxed and comfortable. After I finished it, I had to choose what to do next as I did not have enough time to do all my routines in the day. So I did English grammar. But I had to give it up soon as I had no energy to focus on it. In the end, the only thing I was able to do out of my routine yesterday was to write this article. I could not go for a walk and do my maths, either. It was a miserable day for the first time in while. But I had almost done what I had to do in the day, and was able to start a day as usual from the day after.


