June 22, 2024: Challenge Spirit (チャレンジ精神)
My wife is doing well every day, the same old same old. She is also trying a lot of new things. A month ago, she had something wrong with her leg and back. She was not serious but was tempted to have her massaged. So, I took it for granted that she would go to see her favourite chiropractor. But she did not. Instead, she began to look for and found another one. And she went to see him. Then, the service was so good that she chose to keep using it for a while. She told me that the service was much better than the previous one and got rid of the pain she used to have. She was extremely happy and satisfied with the service. She has also begun to go to the gym, Curves. She was happy with the new massage. But she was also aware that she needed to go to the gym to keep herself in good condition. She now goes to the gym twice or three times a week. She is good enough to go to the gym after work.
I am very happy to see her in good condition and am ready to let her do as she likes as long as she is happy and remains in good condition. But the other day, I was aware of her pouring a lot of money into these services. I do not know, or mind, how much she is pouring. But it seems to be more than I imagined. I knew from her that the massage service she has been using is not covered by health insurance. But I do not care about it. She is the Minister of Finance and a good manager in our house. So, I should not interrupt what she does.
妻が良い状態でいてくれると、こちらまで嬉しくなり、良い状態にいられるのであれば、好きなようにさせてあげようと思っています。でも、これらのサービスに結構つぎ込んでいることがわかりました。いくらつぎ込んでいるのかは知らないし、気にもしていません。でも、ボクが想像していたよりも多いようです。マッサージも保険適用外のようです。でも、そんなことは気にしません。我が家の大蔵大臣は妻であり、やりくりは上手です。 なので、妻が何をしようと、とやかく言うべきではありません。