
May 17, 2022: New iPad, Great Feature, Loyalty, Price Increase (新しいiPad, すごい機能、忠誠心、値上げ)

 I finally received a new iPad which is my fourth tablet. It took a month to receive it. When my old iPad Air broke down, I debated whether I should buy a cheaper android tablet other than Apple’s tablet. Eventually, I chose the iPad since it looks more solid than others.
 It was surprisingly easy to set it up. I activated and connected it to a Wi-Fi network. Then, messages appeared on it. I followed them and made several settings. I finished the settings in less than ten minutes. It was also easy to transfer apps and settings from my old iPad to the new one. It is a great feature. I made a good choice! It will induce me to buy an iPad or other Apple products again. I also got accessories for the iPad more reasonably than before.
 However, I am afraid that the iPad will be beyond my reach near future. Apple may have to raise their prices since everything is getting expensive. On the other hand, Apple may not lose their customers so much even if it raises its prices. Their customers are so loyal to Apple that they may not mind the price increases so much. The same goes for Tesla, the U.S-based EV manufacturer. It raised the price by ten thousand dollars or 30% compared to the previous year. But, its sales volume has remained unchanged thanks to its enthusiastic fans.

 新型iPadに設定は驚くほど簡単でした。起動して、Wi-Fiに接続すると、メッセージが出てきます。そのメッセージに従って設定すると、10分程度で設定完了です。前の機種(iPad Air)で使っていたアプリや設定の移行も簡単でした。これは本当にありがたい機能です。iPadを選んで正解とつくづく思いました。こんなサービスがあると次回もiPad やApple製品を買いたくなりそうです。また、付属品も妥当な価格で買えました。
