May 22, 2022: France, Grande Arche, Minitel, Studying French (フランス、新凱旋門、ミニテル、フランス語の勉強)
France has been one of my favourite countries. I had been to Paris on business a few dozen times. I was a salesman for electronic products and had a lot of meetings with my French customer to market them in France. My customer was close to La Defense which is famous for Grande Arche. I faced quality problems sometimes. I was stuck at my customer's warehouse near Charles de Gaulle Airport and checked defective products. On holiday, I used to go to Southern France in summer and French Alps in winter.
I still remember being shocked by Minitel. It is like the French Internet. It had various online features to book and purchase tickets online, check stock prices and search for phone numbers and chat. I also had marketed a Minitel-related product in France.
Around that time, I studied French hard with a book for learning French. The book was in English. So, I need time to get used to learning French in English. But it unexpectedly helped me to improve my French and English simultaneously.