
May 12, 2024: Nightmares (悪夢)

A few nights ago, I unusually dreamed. They were so unpleasant that they have still come back to haunt me. That night, I had two dreams. First, I had the dream that I lost a credit card somewhere when I went out. I soon remembered that I had left it at a shop and called the shop to confirm it. Then, as I thought, the card was at the shop. So, I tried to go back to the shop. But I needed a lot of time to go back to the shop. I had no choice but to walk to the shop, and it was a very long walk. It was so long that I was about to give up going back to the shop. At that moment, I woke up. I was so exhausted that I did not feel like I actually slept. When I realized that it was a dream, I was very relieved and fell asleep again.
Then, I had another dream. In the dream, I was working in a company where I had worked actually. In the company, I found a number of colleagues, with whom I had actually had a good relationship. But in the dream, I was being bullied by them for some reason. It was very hard, and I was trying to find out why I was being bullied. At that moment, I woke up, and I was baffled. I was very depressed and tried to remember if I had actually done anything that hurt them. But I could remember nothing and could not find the cause of the dream. Since then, these dreams have continued to bother me and have sometimes prevented me from enjoying my daily life. I have to find and fix the cause.



