Just go your own way ~For the 2022 Competition~ ただ 進め 自分の道を
(from Pooh Cat Isle)
True courage
needs no comparison.
True strength
needs no enemies or opponents.
Just go
your own way.
ただ 進め
・ ・ ・ ・ ・
As many of you should know, this year's All-Japan Marching Contest will be held on the coming November 20. I am sure the "Oranges" are practicing even harder every day for the big stage.
We sincerely wish that all of them will be able to go to the perfor-mance in the best condition without any injury or illness.
The image is from a past Contest. You can see a sepia color version(near orange) of this on our YouTube community.
(画像は、過去のコンテストからのものです。YouTube のコミュニティーでは、セピア色 (オレンジに近い) バージョンを公開します。)
Pooh Cat channel on YouTube
Written by Poo-Cat (Verse) & Pooh Cat (Text)
(ⓒ2022 Pooh Cat CH & Isle)
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( #KyotoTachibana #Tachibana #marching #brassband #poem #詩 #京都橘 #吹奏楽部 #マーチング #PoohCat #PooCat #勇気 #強さ ) #####