4月からの成人年齢18歳引き下げに警鐘 5 キャット 2022年3月25日 09:02 I will talk at an emergency in-hospital meeting next week. The amendment to reduce the adult age was enforced from 18 years old to adults and from April 1, 2022. In an era when younger children are required to be able to make correct decisions. But there is a problem. How much is required for the correctness of that judgment? The reality is that those who reach the age of 18 will be able to act independently and will not be exercised custody-based revocation rights. At the same time that each and every one of us needs to make a choice with a firm opinion, I think that society has great expectations for young people, but how far can young people catch up with this? Are you there? How much is required for the correctness of that judgment? The reality is that those who reach the age of 18 will be able to act independently and will not be exercised custody-based revocation rights. いいなと思ったら応援しよう! チップで応援する この記事が参加している募集 #再現してみた 1,890件 #国会 #ミスチル #新社会人に伝えたいこと #ゼレンスキー #再現してみた #ゼレンスキー大統領 #国会議事堂 #ミスチルが教えてくれたこと #僕なりのミスチル私なりのミスチル #AV強要被害 5