
September Reads 2024

✎ᝰ. September Reads 2024…👀✨

Hello everyone, book bear brownie の Lisa です 🧸


Today I will be sharing the book I read for September 2024!


I was actually only able to finish one book.


I was traveling for the first half of the month and I didn't want to carry a book around. I also get motion sickness so I couldn't read while I was traveling.


I read / 読んだのは…

[ The Litte Frogs Guide to Self-Care ] by Maybell Eequay

This book is a self-care book and it lets you face your mental health. I personally feel like I have pretty good mental health and this book did reassure me that however there were a few things that did open up my eyes.


It's not that long of a book so I was able to finish reading it in about 30 minutes, but it is a good book for beginners too because the words aren't that difficult and each page is about a different topic so you can feel accomplishment every time you finish a page☺️

私は大体30分位でこの本を読み終わったんですけど、使っている単語も比較的簡単だし 1ページごとに違うトピックの話をしてるので、1ページ読むごとに達成感があるのでとても読みやすい本だと思います🙆

Also, what I love is that the frog is wearing different shoes and every page and it's adorable👠

