新鮮なキムチは、ご家庭で簡単に作ることができます。 家で作ったキムチは、作ってから一週間で食べられるようになりますが、軽いキムチがお好みの方は2日目から食べられます。
Fresh kimchi can easily be made at home with very common ingredients.
The kimchi I make at home is ready to eat by a week from the time it is made, but for those who prefer a lighter tasting kimchi it can be eaten from the second day.
The ingredient I add to start the fermentation when making the kimchi is "rice flour" with this the kimchi begins to acquire the distinctive sour taste quite quickly.
Slightly unrelated to the today subject of kimchi making, but I intend to make samosas soon. It has been quite a while since the last time I made samosas, but I think I still remember the important points on how to make it. (I do not suppose the kimchi would go so well with samosas though.)
今日のキムチ作りとは少し関係ありませんが、もうすぐサモサを作るつもりです。 前回サモサを作ってからかなり経ちますが、作り方のポイントは今でも覚えていると思います。(キムチはサモサとよく合うとは思いませんが。)