Apple Pastries
I made the apple topping and the pie dough separately, this ensures the dough remains nicely crisp long after the apple pie is made.
Let's begin baking.
~ Apple Pie ~
Ingredients for the crust: / 生地の材料:
Flour: 1+1/2 cups / 小麦粉:1+1/2カップ
Butter: 1/2 cup / バター:1/2カップ
Milk: 3 tablespoons / 牛乳:大さじ3
Baking powder: 1 teaspoon / ベーキングパウダー:小さじ1
Sugar: 1 teaspoon / 砂糖:小さじ1
A pinch of salt / ひとつまみの塩
Sometimes the amounts of the ingredients may be adjusted slightly, but this is my recipe for making basic pastry dough, I use this to make many different snacks and dishes often as well.
Mix the dry ingredients together first, the flour, baking powder, sugar, salt. Then add the butter. To mix the butter with the flour pinch the butter with the surrounding flour between your fingertips.
まず、乾燥した材料、小麦粉、ベーキングパウダー、砂糖、塩を混ぜ合わせます。 次にバターを加えます。 バターと小麦粉を混ぜるには、バターと周囲の小麦粉を指先でつまみます。
Finally add the milk to bring the dough together.
Roll out the dough to until the thickness becomes even throughout.
(The thickness is about preference, but I rolled out the dough to 5mm, about.)
Pierce a few holes into the base of the dough using a fork. This makes sure that the dough bakes evenly as it puffs up a little.
フォークを使って生地の底にいくつかの穴を開けます。 これにより、生地が少し膨らむときに均一に焼けるようになります。
Bake the dough in the oven at 400 degrees and bring it out once the edges become a shade of brown. (When the dough is baked well there should be the scent of butter.)
Next, let's make the apple topping.
Peel the skin of two apples and slice them.
Put the apples into a pot with water and sugar and bring it to a boil. (About 3~4 tablespoons of sugar, and just enough water to cover the apples is best.)
2つのリンゴの皮をむいてスライスします。 リンゴを水と砂糖を入れた鍋に入れ、沸騰させます。
Continue simmering the apples until the sugar melts well and becomes a syrup which resembles honey. Then to finish the apple topping, add a slight amount of brandy.
砂糖がよく溶けて蜂蜜に似たシロップになるまでリンゴを煮続けます。 次に、リンゴのトッピングを仕上げるために、ブランデーを少し加えます。
After decoratively arrange the apples on the dough and the apple pie is complete.
I had the apple pie with a cup of coffee, and of course, a generous amount of whipped cream.
(It would probably accompany black tea well too.)
アップルパイとコーヒー、そしてもちろん、たっぷりのホイップクリームをいただきました。 (おそらく紅茶にもよく合います。)
Until the next recipe