Netherlands Bach Societyの演奏によるJ. S. バッハの作品一覧 オルガン曲篇(1)BWV 525-591

Netherlands Bach Societyの演奏によるJ. S. バッハの作品を、ジャンルごとにまとめてみました。まだNetherlands Bach Societyの演奏が公開されていない作品は含んでいませんので、未完です。

1. 6つのトリオ・ソナタ BWV 525-530

Sonata in E-flat major BWV 525

Sonata No. 2 in C minor BWV 526

Sonata No. 3 in D minor BWV 527

Sonata no. 6 in G major BWV 530

2. 前奏曲・トッカータ・幻想曲・パッサカリアとフーガ(1)BWV 531-552

Prelude and fugue in E minor BWV 533

Prelude and fugue in G minor BWV 535

Fantasia and fugue in C minor BWV 537

Toccata and fugue in D minor BWV 538

Prelude and fugue in D minor BWV 539

Prelude and fugue in G major BWV 541

Fantasia and fugue in G minor BWV 542

Prelude and fugue in B minor BWV 544

Prelude and fugue in C major BWV 545

Prelude and fugue in C minor BWV 546

Prelude and fugue in C major BWV 547

Prelude and fugue in E minor BWV 548

Prelude and fugue in G major BWV 550

3. 8つの前奏曲とフーガ BWV 553-560

Prelude and fugue in E-flat major BWV 552

4. 前奏曲・トッカータ・幻想曲・パッサカリアとフーガ(2)BWV 561-582

Toccata, adagio and fugue in C major BWV 564

Toccata and Fugue in D minor BWV 565

Pièce d'Orgue BWV 572

Fugue in C minor BWV 575

Little Fugue in G minor BWV 578

Fugue in B minor BWV 579

Passacaglia in C minor BWV 582

5. オルガンのためのトリオ BWV 583-586

Trio in D minor BWV 583

6. 種々の小品 BWV 587-591

Canzona in D minor BWV 588

Allabreve in D major BWV 589

Pastorella in F major BWV 590
